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Nov 15, 2018

Have you ever found a new prospect who is genuinely interested in your services, but when it comes time to discuss your prices, you FREEZE UP?


Do you fear the “what do you cost” conversation?


In this episode, Ross Jeffries joins me to discuss how you can build up your confidence so that you can begin discussing your prices with ease and without fearing a negative response.


It’s tough! I’m sure there have been times when you’ve been discussing the needs of your client, and when the price comes up, you allow them to dictate the conversation. This episode will help you put an end to that FOR GOOD!


It all comes down to building unending confidence!


Ross provides real and practical tips that you can begin putting into action TODAY!


If you’re ready to confidently stroll into your next sales meeting knowing your value and worth and proudly stating your prices, without worrying about the outcome, then this episode of The Abundant Accountant Podcast is a MUST LISTEN!


Enjoy, and thank you for listening and tuning into The Abundant Accountant Podcast!


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To help the show out:


Special thanks go out to Ross Jeffries for taking the time to chat with Michelle. Be sure to join us next week for our next new episode.


So many of my accounting professional clients come to me because they are tired of giving away their knowledge and expertise away for free. If that sounds like you, I invite you to join my complimentary Masterclass created just for accountants who want to build a practice with premium clients who eagerly pay you what you’re worth. Sign up NOW at


Here are a few key secrets we talked about in this episode:

  • Michelle introduces Ross Jeffries.
  • Ross shares a quick synopsis of who he is and what his specialty is.
  • Michelle gives an overview of what this episode is all about – knowing your worth so that you can help more people and increase the revenue for your firm.
  • “A confident person is not conflicted.” ~ Ross Jeffries
  • What does a toy robot from 1966 have to do with building confidence? Listen to this episode to find out!
  • Ross believes that in order to sell with confidence, you must be aligned.
  • The first step to not allowing your clients to dictate your prices is to not be conflicted and be in alignment with your worth.
  • The second thing you need to know about confidence is that it is a thing or activity you do, so that it can become a quality later.
  • Ross shares three practical tips to build your confidence and how to apply it to your sales conversations with your accounting clients.
  • When you embrace uncertainty and even enjoy it when it comes to sales, you then have the confidence that is independent of the day’s events.
  • Michelle and Ross share an example of how mixing paint colors and never quite getting what you want is similar to how some sales conversations will go. By being okay with the unknown you can build your confidence.
  • Before you ever discuss what your rates or prices are, you should find out what your client’s needs and problems are.
  • Meditation is a great way to embrace uncertainty.
  • One very important way to feel confident is to realize that NO client is out of your league. There are NO “big” clients, only those that offer incredible value to you.


Learn More & Connect With Me Here!


  1. So many of my accounting professional clients come to me because they are tired of giving away their knowledge and expertise away for free. If that sounds like you, I invite you to join my complimentary Masterclass created just for accountants who want to build a practice with premium clients who eagerly pay you what you’re worth. Sign up NOW at